
Start researching!!!


Since I forgot to ask for my transportation, I took taxi..!
But, I start to research for about my project with my mentor!
So what I'm doing now is, research about asthma in Japan from many different perspective like, how many people die because of asthma, what is the particular cause in Japan, how the environmental affect on asthma, is there any organization working to help people who have asthma.
What I found during last research, I found out that many Japanese have bronchial asthma, and about 6000people die per year because of it. Mostly boys have asthma more than girls and the age between 15-29years old are the largest population. It was interesting that before I researched, I had heard that the population of people who have asthma is increasing; however, I found the article that says that it is decreasing by sixfold in the past 30years.
Also, particularly in Tokyo, there is a insurance to relief the cost for the hospital for those who often need to go to see a doctor.
I also found it interesting that the medicines that are used in USA is difference from those in Japan. Since I have asthma, I used to use the sticker type of medicine that you put on your skin directly. The name of this medicine is Hokunalin Tape. This medicine is used in Japan a lot, but in USA, people still use inhaler which has more side-effect than this sticker type.

For this coming Friday, I would like to keep on this research and know more about the environmental effect on asthma!