
3/23/2012 Skype with professor in California

Today, two grads student, who research about the air environment and asthma in Terran and California, and my professor had skype meeting with the professors in UCI!
My professor invited me to join and observe/listen the meeting. Two grads students made their research powerpoint and presented what they learned and what they thought about the connection between the California and Terran.
Since I did not have the background knowledge of neither Terran and California, it was hard to follow but there were many things to learn from their thoughtful conversation and the powerpoint that grads students made.

Also, before the meeting, my professor's assistant looked though first summary of what I learned and checked my work. I'm going to post that on next blog!

1 comment:

  1. Miki, please remember to include the date of your visit to RPI in addition to the date that you wrote this blog post.

    Please try to work in as much detail as you can into future blog posts. It would have been nice to get SOME more information about the meetings into your writing.
