
February 24: Debate workshop

On February 24th, my mentor held workshop for junior high school students including her daughter. It was whole day program. In the morning, students went to many department and learned different subject that can improve the environment. By using the knowledge that they gained from morning workshop, they prepared for debate.
The debate topic was whether the country should keep continuing to dig the whole and make tunnel for getting oil.
SInce I had school on that day, I joined this workshop when the kids alreadt prepare for the debate and ready to start debate. Mostly, the debate was controlled by the grads student from many departments.
Before I went there and listened their debate, I thought since it is the debate by the junior high kids, it would be somehow childish? discussion. However, thier debate was super/extremely well done and I was amazed by how they had their own strong perspective and use their knowledge to convince other side of people.
They talked confidently and calm. I learned many things from them that day. I was impressed by the abilities of junior high school students and felt kind of shame of me because my debate in high school was much worse than me...:( But it was good to be there and hear many relevant opinions from them!

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