
Jan.27 Knowing more about asthma

On January 27, I had my second internship and researched more about asthma.
My mentor introduced me about the website that student in their department post their new information about asthma in many country. She recommend me to write small paragraph for the information that I gain from research. Therefore, I'm going to write paragraph (ideally with pictures) to post on that website and also this blog. I asked about symposium that is coming this May and learned how other student present their knowledge. I'm going to narrow down my topic to few aspect of asthma in Japan, and what I am interested in the most is the medicine in Japan. I will research more on this aspect and at the same time, learn more about the bronchial asthma because many Japanese have this particular kind of asthma. One more interesting topic is the different opinion that different organization provide to the world about the population of asthma in Japan. One organization says the asthma population is decreasing but the other says it is increasing. Therefore, through researching, I wish I can figure out this mysterious contradiction.
One event that happend my last meeting was my mentor introduced me new grads student who just started involving in my mentor's class. He will do similar research as mine but on Iran (I guess), not Japan. Since he is new and I am new, I wish I can get to know him more and can exchange our research and idea about asthma in the world!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Miki,
    Your blog is so interesting, and you internship is even better. I like that you have to research on your own about Asthma in Japan. Am interested in hearing what you find out about it in your next blog. I didn't know (still don't) if there's medication that can "cure" asthma. Would be cool to know if some part of the world has it. :)
