
Feb 3 Missed internship

Because of Junior retreat, I missed my internship.
But I'm working on my mini paragraph for posting on the department website!

This coming Friday, I hope I can show her my paragraph and keep researching about medicine in Japan! I think I might be interesting to compare medicine in Japan and medicine in USA. I'm going to talk about this with my mentor!
I also want to know how new grads student that I talked about in my last post start researching and decide the aspect that he's going to learn deeply.


  1. Thank you for blogging a missed day.

    You even included some useful information - good for you!

    After you write your paragraph, include it in your blog.

  2. Hi Miki!
    I really liked learning about your blog because my doctor believes I have sports induced asthma, so I was already interested in your topic. I was really surprised by the fact that the amount of people that have asthma is decreasing and also that most of the articles on asthma are in Japanese rather than English and that the one article you did find in English was by a Japanese person. It was interesting to learn that asthma and certain asthma medications are not used in the US, but are being developed and used in Japan. I also learned that more kids have asthma than adults. Your internships seems to have to do with a lot of research and the new facts you are discovering are really interesting :D

  3. Science Internship Paragraph:
    It was interesting to hear Miki talk about her internship. I know that there's a lot of people in Asia that has asthma, and they are mostly not permitted to do sports and other more active things, but from what I've seen in the US I thought that asthma is not common for almost everyone are engaged in sports teams. After the meeting I learned that US actually have a lot of people that have asthma. It was also shocking to see the difference in medical advancement in different countries. Even though there is not much labs actual experiments in Miki's internship but it is still very interesting. :)
