

This is the poster for financial aid that Tokyo prefecture made to help people who suffer financially to see doctor and to pay hospital charges for asthma.

People who are eligible have to …

1) continuously live in Tokyo for at least one year (for under three years old, at least six month)

2) have bronchial asthma or some related illness (under 18years old, this aid apply to those who have bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, chronic bronchitis pulmonary emphysema or some related illness)

3) join the health insurance

4) do not smoke

This description was used until 2008. From August 1st, 2008 Tokyo prefecture changed the recruitment and expanded age range of the bronchial asthma from under 18 to all age.


Title: The number of people who are authorized to get this financial aid past ten years from 2010

From 2001, even though the number of people who get this financial aid decreased in 2007, it is keep increasing and in 2010, 85,575people get this aids. In 2008, as I mentioned above, the number of people suddenly increased because of the expansion of age range.

In order to spread this aid, Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health put advertizing in homepage, giving posters, put ads in the local magazine, put ads in TV and radio, established counseling agency (from April 2008), put poster at the subway station.

I don't know how to upload the pictures...


  1. This seems to be a wonderful aid. Is this run by the government or by an organization? In any case, I am delighted to hear that the age group is expanded to all age group.

  2. Interesting comment, Christine.

  3. Miki, you include lots of interesting information here. This is good for a couple reasons: it shows that you are working hard on your project, and it provides clear insights into what you are doing at RPI. Next time, please provide some context for information like this. Consider questions like: How does it relate to your work? What other questions does this information raise?
